Hello, I am editing my book Psalm 23 Unwrapped is published on Amazon. Get ready to order for a Christmas gift. This book will be a wonderful gift to someone to lift their spirits, giving them hope in difficult times.
Psalm 23 Unwrapped
Through the atoning work of Jesus Christ, Gods generous hospitality is poured out upon us. Led by the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ who laid down his life for his sheep, leads his people through the kingdoms gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.
As a young Christian in the mid-70s, I had the joy of attending a national Christian weekend camp. I was able to take a weekend off work, which was a rare occurrence. I was nursing at the time and the nurses who were married and had families had priority to take the weekends off. So, being single I always worked weekends. I had no responsibilities other than myself, so I didn’t mind.
I was very excited because this was a real treat for me having a whole weekend off to have some fun and attend camp. The camp organisers provided a series of workshops about the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I met with old and new friends, which was lovely.
Everyday there was a service of praise and worship, which was really encouraging and uplifting, which made me feel like I was really walking in the heavenly realms. One afternoon I went for a walk in some woods. This was Australia, so we called it the bush I walked alone to spend a couple of hours.
I found myself just talking to the Lord, asking for his help. Two of the songs we sang at the service kept resounding in my head. One of them was- Fill my eyes Oh my God, with the vision of the cross, fill my heart with love for Jesus the Nazarene. Let me sing to endless days, take my will, let my life be wholly thine. The other one was – I love thy dwelling places my heart longs for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God -You are my King and my God!
I remember being moved with great emotion as I sung those songs in the dense part of the of the bush that day. I sat on a log and thought about all what I learnt during the camp. I pondered how my heart yearned for the courts of the Lord and that my vision was filled with God absolutely. All I wanted to do was to live for God and to sing his praises every single day and for all eternity.
About one year after my conversation I received Gods call into ministry, when God told me to go to go around the world to tell people that Jesus loves them and is coming soon. Since that time, my whole life’s goal has been to fulfil that call. I have fulfilled it in various forms since 1978, travelling the world with the message of love. However, at times I have been distracted, waylaid, or gone off the path a few times. Through it all, God always has seen to it that I get back on track one way or another.
The point of sharing this story with you is that the courts of the Lord are also here on earth and are linked with the courts of the Lord in the eternal heaven………
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Psalm 23 Unwrapped on Amazon
Love & Grace
Paula Rose Parish IHS
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I have worked internationally with over 40 years of experience, having a Bachelor of Pastoral Counselling and Theology and a Master of Arts in Counselling & Professional Development. BACP Life Coaching Certificate. I currently work as a Christian educator, blogger, author, and grandmother living with my two dogs in Wales, UK.
If you wish to connect with me, please do so at paularoseparish@gmail.com
?Want to help support me as an author? My books are available at AMAZON.
?Psalm 23 Unwrapped: Hope in Difficult Times.
Looking forward to this. Enjoyed the first book.
Hi Debbs
book got published today Yahhhhh!!!
Paula xxx