
#45 The Mindfulness Habit: How to Start Your Day with Joy

In this post I want to share with you how I use mindfulness to help me through the overwhelm that each day can bring. This is not the whole story but a snippet from my new book about Holistic Living which features mindfulness which I am in process of writing. It will published and be available  to you later in the year – so keep a look out for that!

 Elisabeth S. Blanke (et al. 2017) points out that research shows that mindfulness indicates that different aspects of mindfulness deepen our understanding of its associations with well-being. There is no single definition of mindfulness to which scholars have agreed. Instead, several definitions exist that emphasize different aspects of mindfulness. However, generally, Mindfulness is referred to as being attentive to the present moment experience while taking a curious stance without judgment or reactivity.

For example, Elisabeth S. Blanke (2017) found that individuals with higher levels of non-judgmental acceptance had lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress-related symptoms, whereas acting with awareness only showed lower levels of depressive symptoms. In other words, it’s not an Ooky Spooky thing for folk living on the fringe of society, but very much an intelligent and well researched science-based concept. It is certainly worth giving mindful a try for peace of mind and happiness. Jesus said, give no thought for tomorrow; maybe if he had lived today, he would have said ‘be mindful in what you do today.

Try this…

Start your day mindfully and begin as you swing your legs out of bed. Whether you are getting dressed, brushing your teeth, putting on your makeup, sipping your morning coffee or going for a morning walk or work out, try being mindful of your activity by staying in the present moment – being ONE with it. Allow your senses to guide you by tuning in to what you feel, see, hear, touch, and taste. If your mind drifts or jumps to something else, acknowledge the thought, then let it go. Return your focus. Remember you will never live this exact moment again, so savour it, appreciate it with purpose and intention.

If you’re interested to find out more, and need more detail to get you started, subscribe to this blog, and receive your FREE download How to Start Your Day with Mindful Daily Habits for peace, joy and calm.

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 Love & Grace

Paula Rose Parish IHS

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I have worked internationally with over 40 years of experience, having a Bachelor of Pastoral Counselling and Theology and a Master of Arts in Counselling & Professional Development. BACP Life Coaching Certificate. I currently work as a Christian educator, blogger, author, and grandmother living with my two dogs in Wales, UK. 

If you wish to connect with me, please do so at paularoseparish@gmail.com 

  ?Want to help support me as an author? My books are available at AMAZON. 

?Nothing Good about Grief:

?Psalm 23 Unwrapped: Hope in Difficult Times. 

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