Since getting the COVID-19 vaccination over six months ago, my health has changed dramatically. This blog deals with how to change your mindset to enjoy good health and well-being.
I have been out of sorts for at least three months, constantly feeling weak and tired with losing my appetite, and I lost a lot of weight. I also had a rash on the upper part of my body that no number of creams could get rid of.
The doctor told me I had a severe reaction because my immune system was so strong that it fought the effects of the vaccine, and my body violently reacted. I am pleased about my robust immune system, as medical professionals have informed me of this in the past. However, when one is suffering, it is of little consolation!
Just Getting Old?
Now six months on, the rash is nearly gone; just a tiny patch remains. The problem is that it also left me with terrible shooting nerve pains in my legs, arms, hips and in my shoulders. This has stopped me from working at a pace which I am accustomed to.
During this time, I also stopped doing my daily workout because it was just too painful. On sharing with friends and the medical profession, the feedback I received was all similar. They all agreed that now I am over 65, I should expect aches and pains and things to go wrong with my body.
Ordinary painkillers did not touch the pain, so I went for something far more potent. I’m not a medication person and have never been. Unfortunately, Strong painkillers taken long term can mess with one’s kidneys and liver, etc., and I undoubtedly didn’t want to go that route.
Then when the fourth person chimed in with this mantra about getting old, I made a decisive decision that I didn’t want to live the rest of my life with this painful condition.
I have always been a fan of holistic health which is about good eating, a good mindset, and exercising regularly, and faith. My faith has kept me going because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and as I appropriate that truth; I find that to be so.
I got quite irate when even my mind told me ‘you’re getting old’ and said, “no, I’m not going to be living like this anymore, I’ve had enough! I knew I needed to change my mind-set.
After all, by God’s grace, I could be living for another 20 to 30 years on this planet, so there’s NO WAY I will be living with this pain for that long! So, to begin to change my mind-set I said out loud- “this pain is no mine- it does not belong to me!” Importantly, I prayed, and I asked God to help me gather ideas of what to do.
My Mind Workout
I knew if I wanted to change my mindset, I had to first change what I was putting in there. I got the idea to consistently listen to many audiobooks on YouTube, which is absolutely free, to help me change my mindset. The topics I chose reminded me about our minds, how thoughts affect us profoundly, and how having a healthy mindset makes for a healthy body. I will list the books below this blog.
I soaked upon these audiobooks for several months and decided to start running again. I hadn’t run far for over six years because my knees began to give out, and I fell over in the street, which was very embarrassing! After all these years, I am still waiting on the NHS for a knee replacement. I could hear and felt the grinding bone upon bone, so I stopped running and walking fast. However, I continued to work out at home in my little mini gym.
My Body Workout
But I felt that the pains in my legs were so severe it was going to take something severe to stop them. So, I prayed and asked God for healing, but like everything, sometimes we need to get to the cause of this problem to cure it. I knew that I had nerve pain that affected my muscles. Nerve pain is there because the nerves are damaged in some way. Or the connection between my brain and nerves aren’t syncing. Whatever, which one was the cause, I had to do something to increase my blood circulation to help my nerves to heal.
I never do anything by halves, so I set myself defiantly against the pain by creating a running program, which I am now steadily following.
It was hard to get started and still is. My legs felt like lead as I dragged them around, making the poor things run. But, by the end of the first week, the pain in my legs, arms and hips subsided; I no longer did need painkillers during the day.
My Diet Workout
I am now well into the second week and finding that I can sleep all night without being aggravated awake by intense pain. I also researched the nerves and revised my past experience, which is that our nerves are protected by the myelin sheath. The sheath is fed by vitamin B12. So, I wondered whether I was not getting enough vitamin B12, indeed, the other Bs, to feed my nerves, so I reviewed my diet.
I discovered that my vitamin B12 reserves were low. One of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is weakness and tingling in arms and fingers and pains in legs and hips, which is precisely what I have had.
I would get leg muscle cramps also, so I looked up the effects of magnesium and potassium on the body. A lack of these essential minerals results in muscle cramps. So I purchased vitamin B12 drops and magnesium and potassium liquid because the liquid is more readily absorbed into the intestines.
It’s still early days, but I’m feeling much better. I look forward to my runs three times a week and other workouts each day. I run in an area where nobody can see me because I’m so self-conscious about not running like I once did. Now I kind of hobble along, but as I re-gain my running confidence and get into the swing of things I will get better at it.
I Still hear my knees grinding, and they still hurt, but I get my heart beating really fast and pick my legs up and am finding that my legs don’t feel so heavy anymore, and the pain is a lot less.
It is still a struggle, but as I keep my mindset and affirmations positive, I will gain the strength of mind and body.
I want good health, so I have to do something to achieve that goal. If I do nothing, I will achieve nothing. I have set my goals because I need to be healthy to continue helping and serving others in various ways.
Your Thoughts have Power.
And this is where mindfulness comes in as well. However, we can only have a mindfulness lifestyle if we change our mindset. Our thoughts are powerful, and the Bible tells us we will become what we believe. Indeed, neuroscientists have discovered this truth in more recent years. And this is why having a mindfulness lifestyle is essential for holistic well-being. The reality is that God has given us the responsibility of managing our thoughts. Read Proverbs 23:7.
I advocate a lifestyle of mindful living, which means paying attention in the NOW. It means giving your full attention to what is before you and God within you. This helps to heal your brain, emotions, and body.
Mindfulness enables you to control your thoughts, giving you happiness and appreciation for what you’re doing right now. Time goes quickly—you will never have this day again, so enjoy it and be mindful of it.
The opposite of mindfulness is hurrying, constantly pushing to get to the next thing to be done. The opposite of mindfulness is failing to focus on and appreciate what is right in front of you.
Create a Gratitude Attitude
So, when I run or work out in my mini gym at home, I am mindful of that moment. I concentrate on my body, how it feels, and how I want it to feel, and I visualise my body being strong and well again. Then, I give thanks for my surroundings and find joy in it all.
I want to share so much more about mindfulness with you, so I am working on a new book. My goals are to bring hope, joy, and love to you by encouraging you to live a better lifestyle for your own happiness and well-being.
If you are unhappy with what you have, you can change it by changing your mindset.
Thank you for visiting me here; I hope this post was helpful.
Thank you for visiting me here, and we hope to see you soon.