When I walked the Camino in Northern Spain, I knew how important the yellow signposts were to stay on the trail, especially in the remote and rugged terrain or new areas of exploration I experienced. Sometimes the markers which were arrows- were hard to find, and many times I thought I made a wrong turn.
These arrows kept me safe and focused on the trail. Those sign markers allowed me to enjoy my pilgrimage without the fear of getting lost and potentially spending hours or days in a detour. Sadly, many die on the Camino each year-why?
Because they fail to follow the arrows, go off track and end up over a mountain cliff somewhere.
Likewise, on the spiritual journey, there are signposts that mark stages in the journey, stages that usually correspond to certain spiritual, emotional, and psychological experiences.
It is helpful to know about these stages and be supported at each one, especially because it is common to wonder if we’re on the right track or not. We might even think we are going crazy, or getting worse, or feel like abandoning the whole endeavor. This is one of the reasons why it’s important to study the bible regularly, we see the actions and outcomes of the bible characters and we see how God deals with them, why, and what the outcomes will be.
Joseph was a pilgrim. He took his family far away from home, before and after the birth ofChrist. I love Joseph. This a a great story to use as a template to understand what the signpost of your life is. Joseph was an innocent and somewhat naïve guy, but everything just always went wrong for him. Trouble seemed to find him and even follow him. But in the end God raise him up as a mighty leader- why? Because he kept the faith and understood the signposts God had placed in his life and followed them.
Ruth is another pilgrim. She is a person I identify closely with. A widow in strange land with a family not her own, only through marriage, life went terribly wrong for her, yet God provided for her in her poverty- why? Because she trusted in the God of Abraham and saw the signs posts laid before her and followed them.
These characters intentionally consented to God’s presence and God’s action in their life. If you do the same, you will see Gods provision and will work out as they did.
Turn to your Bible and Enjoy reading those stories and others and glean all the truth you can and live in faith, joy, and peace, in our saviors name- Jesus Christ.
?So many people want their faith and church to grow. The problem is to figure out where to begin. This site is about helping people do just that. It’s for anyone who feels stuck in their faith and longs for a breakthrough. It’s for people who are exploring Christianity and want to know what it’s all about – apart from what they see in the media. If that’s you – please consider subscribing.
Paula Rose has a Bachelor of Pastoral Counselling and Theology, Vision Christian University, USA
Master of Arts In Counselling & Professional Development, specializing in Spiritual Abuse The University of Derby, UK.
BACP Life Coaching Course, Bristol, UK
A life member of (ISFP) The International Society of Female Professionals.
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Paula is a Wellness Coach Ordained Minister, Blogger, Podcaster, Course Creator, Published Author and has a Master of Arts in Counselling and many other qualifications and a lifetime so, I have heaps to share with you.
Paula is a life member of (ISFP) The International Society of Female Professionals
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