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How to Navigate Life as a Christian and Avoid unnecessary detours.

My parents told me that as a child, I never wanted help around the house, and I didn’t want my parents to help me either. In the 60s we had summer and winter school shoes. Our winter shoes had laces. I couldn’t manage to tie them myself, so I talked my big sister Susan into doing it for me. I could not figure out the pattern of movement to tie the laces, but apart from that, I tried to do most things by myself.

The task of learning was stressful for me, so I didn’t have the patience to accept instructions. I winged most things. Fake it till ya make it– I would say. It may have been that as an undiagnosed dyslexic, I found learning taxing. Maybe that is why I refused to follow instructions, perhaps I just couldn’t. I remember very clearly as a child trying to absorb instructions, and I would get very angry and agitated inside. I just could not understand the idea that was being conveyed to me.

All I wanted was to get whatever it was over and done with, I didn’t want to hear all of the ‘how’s to’s, so I became very impatient. Maybe it did have something to do with my dyslexia, or maybe it is more to do with a stubborn personality that resisted instruction. Some of us live our whole lives in a cycle of resistance. It becomes an ingrained habit where we react to everything that way, and when we eventually meet God, we resist his leading- I certainly did. 

Many of us don’t want to be patient and wait for God to lead us. Instead, we want to do it our way – right now! Were in a hurry, we want it all done yesterday. When in the throes of bereavement the first reaction may be-I want to get outta here – Now! You may want to be rid of the feeling of sadness as soon as possible, escaping from the feeling of shock and trauma. At these times, we can get agitated and get ourselves wound up, and fail to listen to good advice. Most of all, we fail to listen to God’s leading and counsel. Then when it all goes pear-shaped, we blame God or others.  

Any person that travels and uses a map knows the principle of learning from those who have gone before. Someone mapped a journey for the very first time so others could follow. It is the expertise of the map maker that guides us. When we are going through difficulty, we can get impatient, and we might rip the map up, we think we can make it to our intended destination without guidance. Without the guidance of the map, however, there is a chance that we will lose our way, and so it is with our lives. When we navigate the dark valley, we rely on the expertise of the map maker. God, the Shepherd, is our map maker.

With God’s guidance, we can avoid the detours that may be quite dangerous for us. Our Good Shepherd leads us, not because he wants to control us, but because he loves us. God our Shepherd leads us into the path of righteousness, the good and right path that will lead us forward out of the valley. 

Paula Rose has a Bachelor of Pastoral Counselling and Theology, Vision Christian University, USA Master of Arts In Counselling & Professional Development, specializing in Spiritual Abuse through The University of Derby, UK.

She Studies the BACP Life Coaching Course, Bristol, UK, and is a life member of (ISFP) The International Society of Female Professionals.

 Paula Rose Parish is a Pastor, Author, and founder, of Hope. Faith. Love, and Your Wellness Matters. She studied at the University of Derby and received a Master of Arts in Counselling in Professional Development. Over the years, Paula Rose has served as a pastor, chaplain, counsellor, and coach and taught at a Christian university. In addition, she has led workshops and retreats and spoken worldwide on Christian spirituality. 

Author of over 200 articles and two published books, Paula Rose, continues to write on the wellness of mind, body, and spirit. Paula Rose is adding a string to her bow and is presently reading Health and Wellness. She has four grown children, five grandchildren, and lives in South Wales, UK.

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Paula Rose is a Wellness Coach Ordained Minister, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, Course Creator, Published Author, and has a Master of Arts in Counselling. And many other qualifications and a lifetime, so I have heaps to share with you.

Paula is a life member of (ISFP) The International Society of Female Professionals.

 ?Want to help support me as an author? Click here available now on Amazon ?BOOKS BY PAULA available at AMAZON in the UK, USA, Aust; ?Nothing Good about Grief: Path to recovery with Psalm 23 after COVID-19 & other losses. ?Psalm 23 Unwrapped: Hope in difficult times.


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