
Hello Everyone, How are You All?

It’s been a very long time since I posted. When I lived in the USA, the expression was ‘It’s been a hot minute since….’. 

Well, minutes or months, this last 6 months, I have been finding it difficult to write anything, absolutory anything- due to heaps of random stuff happening in my ministry, home and personal life.  

I have yet to have time to write or even visit my own website. I do have good intentions, but these are often not fulfilled., due to sudden changes in schedules and ministry demands that are outside my control. 

But putting it all in perspective, what other dear folk are facing in Ukraine, Cyprus, Turkey and other parts of the world, my plight is very pale compared. 

I pray for them and support them through donations regularly. 

Doing Gods Will in Difficult Times 

I remember during the COVID Pandemic how I felt during those prolonged lockdowns. Here in Wales, we had full lockdowns every few months – or so it seemed- lasting up to 8 weeks. South Wales is accessible through the Prince Charles Bridge joining England and Wales ( I wonder if it will be re-named after the coronation). 

During COVID, the bridge was operated by security. All comings and goings were monitored, and many received very hefty fines for travelling during lockdowns. The whole thing felt like a police state as we lost all our freedoms. During that time, I often felt I was living in a dystopian movie, acting out a part I didn’t sign up for and didn’t know how to get out of. 

The government restrictions only allowed walking or driving close to our homes, and all visiting folk outside our bubble was strictly prohibited; the problem was, I didn’t have a bubble.

My family and friends lived many miles away, and I was new in my town; I didn’t know many folks then. My only human company came from a disembodied female voice from the other side of my fence. I had never met my neighbour but came to learn her voice well. After COVID, we became good friends and supported each other however we could.

The restrictions did not allow me to minister to folk face to face, and not seeing friends or family left me empty. 

However, being me, I wanted to make the best of a challenging time. I didn’t want to waste my time – after all, I would never live this particular day again or breathe the same air- right! So I wanted to use my God-given time the best I knew how. 

So, I decided to write those books I have always said I would write. I decided to minister over the internet, which required me to build a website and set up a YouTube channel. 

Thanks to all the wonderful and talented creators on YouTube, I learnt how to write and self-publish books for free. How to source and set up and maintain a website. How to start a Youtube channel. How to use my camera and film, edit and post videos. How to write an online course, film it and post it on Udemy. And I learnt so much more than that. Every day was filled with goals and tasks, creating the projects I felt the Lord Jesus wanted me to do. I even set up a Kanban Board to keep me on track! Being high percentile dyslexic, I need calm to get things done. The alarming situation that COVID presented allowed me to get stuff done.  

I felt under pressure not to waste time, as I knew that the peace and quiet my isolation brought would not last- so I got stuck in. 

My Goals Were Realised

And so, it was, two books were written, and I self-published through Amazon. I built 3 websites (I couldn’t stop once I started, lol), and many other projects got done. I was passionate and focused on what I was doing, and living alone with only my fur babies helped me accomplish far beyond my expectations- Thank you, Lord!. 

I have studied much about the desert mothers, fathers, and people who spend their life cloistered to pray, study and work for the kingdom. These dedicated people of God experienced aloneness for years on end. Still, in their isolation, they produced classic works for us to learn from today.

 There is a lot said for living like a monk, although involuntary! I always said I wanted to do some monk-ing one day – I did just that during COVID.

Now, I am awaiting a Knee replacement, and the lengthy renovation of my home is ending. Praise the Lord for that! I am looking forward to peace and quiet to get more stuff done, might even do some monk-ing- voluntary this time!

This is The Day the Lord Has Made

So, I decided to connect and write this article. I miss posting and getting feedback from you.

When my dining room is decorated and tidy, I will start making videos again, and I will have another book in me to write in future. So I’ll try to be mindful of today and focus on getting stuff done- after all, This is The Day the Lord Has Made it, and I will rejoice and be Glad about it!

Great Feed Back

Thank you so much for your feedback. My feedback about my books, videos and blogs is very encouraging. I am helping and supporting those to read and view them with the Good News message of Christ, so I want to continue doing that. 

I am getting older now and certainly lack the vigour of my youth, so I give my weakness and abilities to God my Father to turn it all into something that can be used for his glory.

New Ministry

My new job is going well. I was called to a new pastorate near my home last October 2022. I serve seven Churches with a colleague and have been given pastoral responsibility for four of them.

 Although I am now super busy, I get super tired sometimes. However, I am enjoying the ministry immensely. I thank my heavenly Father for using me in this way, and what a privilege it is to work for the kingdom and have the creator of heaven and earth as your boss !! The people in my churches are typical loving welsh people. A down-to-earth, no-nonsense type of person, which I greatly appreciate. God, the Holy Spirit, is moving among the people, and we see needs met, hearts healed, and lives restored in the name of Christ. 

Here and Now

 When I first came to Wales, I was so impressed with the people’s warmth, the country’s beauty, the ease of travel, and the laid-back living that I knew I wanted to make South Wales my permanent home. 

In living here since 2011, I have found the love, acceptance, and warmth of the Welsh people, especially in the villages in the beautiful welsh valleys. 

Welsh people have a living and vibrant faith in Christ, maybe because memories still existed of the great Welsh Revival in 1905. Many years ago, God chose this tiny country to display His glory to the world, the ripples of which are still felt today. 

Thank you for visiting me here; I hope this post was helpful. 

Please subscribe using the banner as you come onto the site. Also, please follow this blog, and you’ll find a button on the bottom right and leave a comment with any questions or prayer requests. 

Virtual hugs, I look forward to your visit to my next blog post! 

Remember to live life on purpose, in Hope. Faith and Love 

Paula Rose Parish? 

?Want to help support me as an author? 

 ?BOOKS BY PAULA available at AMAZON in the UK, USA, Aust;  

?Nothing Good about Grief: Path to recovery with Psalm 23 after COVID-19 & other losses. 

 ?Psalm 23 Unwrapped: Hope in difficult times.  

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