Today, I am taking a trip down memory lane to 2022. I am sharing a blog I wrote back then about how to Cope with Distractions because I am constantly distracted!
Here Goes!
I’m writing this blog post today and am extraordinarily frustrated and upset. Everything has been going wrong for the last few months. My house is still a mess due to three months of building work; builders stopped and started, and the job is still unfinished.
I haven’t been sticking to my schedule because I find working with distractions and from home very difficult. I have also been putting many of my commitments on hold, which has been quite a mistake.
I haven’t made any videos for YouTube for a little while. So, this morning, I decided to bite the bullet, breathe deeply, and make a video for my YouTube channel.
I duly did my hair and makeup to make myself look half decent for the camera, and then I set up the camera and sat at my computer to record it.
Then, about two minutes into the recording, my computer completely crashed, and it took me over an hour to try to recover it and get on with my day. So, I’ve given up trying to make a video this morning, but I will try again later in the afternoon.
The Power Of Distractions
Distractions put a spanner in the works, and it’s challenging to overcome them to get on with my routine. But, as you know, I practice meditation, prayer and mindfulness and find that between God and psychological therapy helps to get me through life’s obstacles.
I don’t know if you can relate, but I’ve changed since the pandemic and the lockdowns. The isolation has affected me more than I ever imagined psychologically.
Living alone and not seeing anybody for five weeks at a stretch can be tricky and almost like a jail sentence. I’ve tried to be productive by setting up a website, starting a YouTube channel, and writing and publishing two books, not to mention all my learning about working online.
I also started writing a course that will be out at the end of July, and I still have worked at my full-time job, coaching online and by phone, but it’s still not the same as seeing people face-to-face.
And, of course, I conducted many funerals, which led me to see people, but there was no real conversation because we couldn’t socialise. It’s not exactly a happy occasion where people can engage in small talk.
I supported people with words of encouragement and compassion, and in those circumstances, I gave it my all so people feel comfortable and supported. But this has left me feeling relatively isolated and drained.
I wrote a blog post a while ago about burnout because I realised how burnt out I really was.
COVID Jab Disaster
Part of my burnout was because of my terrible reactions to the COVID-19 vaccination. Seeing a doctor for the best part of a year was impossible. I could not get an appointment as all the consultants were over the phone. Then, when I had my second vaccination, I was told that I had such a strong reaction to the first jab because my immune system was so robust that it reacted against the vaccination. My immune system tried to fight it, creating antibodies?—?which vaccinations should do.
The vaccination worked in the long run, but the side effects left me feeling rather tired, with a huge rash and quite unwell. This has been made worse by the building work in my house. It has been challenging, distracting me from getting on with work.
I am positive that I don’t cope as well now I’m older, physically or psychologically. Not coping as well when older is an actual thing. This is because of the lack of production of hormones, which help one cope with the stresses and strains of life.
The Over 60 Dilemma
As an older woman, I have less production of the female hormone that helps with stress. So, now it is more of a struggle to get through difficulties. So, I can’t blame it all on my inability to cope. I should buy oestrogen tablets, so I went online, and they cost a bomb?—?more than I can afford. So, I am learning to work around and through these distractions the best I can.
If I plan my day using an hour-by-hour system and stick to that plan, I can cope and manage my responsibilities better. I don’t know how you feel about it, but it isn’t easy to work from home full-time.
It’s tempting to take an extended lunchtime or coffee time and sleep on the couch. And before you know it, a whole afternoon is gone! But if I have a firm plan with goals to reach and fulfil projects, I can be more mindful of my approach to my day.
The only problem is planning so tightly that it must be flexible to allow for distractions like I have experienced today. As I write, I am over 2 hours behind my schedule. Does this matter? Or does it only matter if I allow it to matter? If I worry about it and fret about it, I am not mindful but set myself up for burnout.
Don’t Worry Be Happy
If I let any worry go and work steadily through my schedule, I will emerge with a better attitude, more robust mental health, and a smile.
Furthermore, I enjoy congratulating myself at the end of every day for my accomplishments, even though I still need to complete my to-do lists on living in the moment.
Understanding how things work is essential, and then I can work with knowledge, understanding, and commitment.
I hope my rantings have been helpful to you.
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