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How to Stop Changing Your Mind

Stick with your decisions with these 5 Tips

The best way to never gain traction in life is to never make a decision or to constantly change your mind. So, Stop Changing Your Mind!

Do you regularly change your plans? Do you keep changing your mind?

Regularly changing your plans is a great way to feel like you’re doing something without ever making any progress. It’s ingenious!

We all know them- You may be One!

You know the type. The person decides he’s going to medical school. He then decides he’s going to medical school.

He buys a guitar. Then, he decides to become a professional blogger before the first set of strings are worn out. It’s insidious.

This person feels like he’s doing great things. He has big plans, and any of them could work. Yet, they’ll never be fruitful unless he can stick with the plan.

Stick with Your Decisions using 5 Tips- To Stop Changing Your Mind

1. Reflect and realise how constantly changing your mind is ineffective.

It’s no different than starting in Edinburgh and driving three hours toward Bristol. 

Then three hours toward London, and then three hours toward Derby. Where do you end up?

Not a place you planned to go or somewhere you want to be!

2. Make a habit of following through. 

It’s easier to maintain bigger decisions if you maintain your smaller decisions.

3. Follow through on your plans

 When you make plans to meet to meet your friends?—?don’t bow out!.

When you clean the garage, clean the entire garage.

Wash all the dishes, even the crusty frying pan. Avoid leaving it until morning.

4. Imagine a positive outcome.

 When you feel bogged down, it’s because the present is uncomfortable.

Turn your attention to the ideal outcome.

The doubt and frustration you’re feeling will melt away.

5. Stay grounded in the present.

 You can only change your mind if your mind starts to wander.

Be Mindful- To Stop Changing Your Mind

 Pay attention to today. Avoid looking ahead at all the work that lies in the future. Instead, manage each day as it comes.

Don’t expect to make perfect decisions?—?none of us do. Decisions only work out well if you stick with them. To make perfect decisions?—?none of us do. Decisions only work

Persistence is an invaluable quality. Make your decisions. More importantly, avoid changing your mind!

Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s your determination—your commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal—that wins.

Stop changing your mind. Make a commitment to excellence. Then, you will be able to achieve the success you seek.

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