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Simple Wellness Self Reflection & Affirmations

Wellness Self-reflection is the process of consciously examining one’s thoughts, behaviours, emotions, and experiences to gain deeper insight into oneself.

It involves looking inward to evaluate one’s actions, decisions, and motivations in order to understand why one thinks or behaves in certain ways and how one can improve or grow.

This practice is often used for personal development, emotional growth, and decision-making, as it helps individuals make sense of their experiences and align their actions with their values and goals.

Key Aspects of Self-Reflection:

  1. Awareness: Self-reflection requires understanding of your internal processes, like emotions, beliefs, and thought patterns.
  2. Evaluation involves assessing the effectiveness of your actions, behaviours, or choices and determining whether they are serving you well or need adjustment.
  3. Growth: The ultimate goal of self-reflection is personal growth, as it helps identify areas for improvement, foster better decision-making, and lead to positive change

Benefits of Self-Reflection:

  • Improved Emotional Intelligence: It helps you understand and manage your emotions and empathise with others.
  • Better Decision-Making: Reflecting on past experiences helps refine your future choices by learning from mistakes and successes.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: It cultivates deeper knowledge of your strengths, weaknesses, and personal values.
  • Stress Reduction: Self-reflection can provide clarity and reduce stress by helping you understand and process challenging experiences.

Common methods of wellness self-reflection include journaling, meditation, or simply setting aside quiet time to think. Regular practice can lead to a more mindful and intentional approach to life.

Say these daily, and believe them- for your mind to change and be more optimistic!

I am in awe of my body and how it looks after me.

I understand that my body is responsible for incredible processes and should be respected.

I ensure I look after my mental well-being. I remind myself of how important I am to the world.

I tell myself I deserve to be happy and celebrate my life and everyone in it.

I think positively, creating moments of happiness and reminding myself what I am grateful for.

I exist in the present moment.

I take care of my physical health. When I go for a run, I can feel my body working.

I know I have to respect my body.

I eat healthy foods and enjoy learning to cook.

I turn cooking into a social activity and encourage others to be healthy.

I am privileged to be part of a healthy community.

I take time to laugh and to see the joy in life.

I remind myself to look at the beauty and the intricacies of the world around me.

I find joy in every moment I spend in nature.

I am thankful I am part of this world.

Today, I appreciate the incredible journey my body is constantly making.

I look after my mental and physical well-being and celebrate my body and the fantastic miracles it performs.

Wellness Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I eating healthily and looking after my body?
  2. Am I looking after my mental well-being?
  3. Am I smiling and laughing and enjoying the world around me?

Wellness is a holistic journey that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit. Self-reflection and affirmation are powerful practices that can help you stay connected with yourself, overcome challenges, and cultivate a positive mindset.

Regularly engaging in wellness, self-reflection can empower you to live a more intentional, balanced, and fulfilling life. So, start today by setting aside time for self-reflection and creating affirmations that resonate with you.

Remember, the journey to wellness begins within YOU!

I hope these strategies are helpful to you.

Ensure you subscribe—it’s free. We advocate preventive, holistic care, particularly for women over 50.

In the meantime, Live Life on Purpose Because Your Wellness Matters!

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DISCLAIMER: Remember, your safety is our priority. If you’re new to psychological therapy, exercise, nutrition, or fitness or planning to start, it’s crucial to consult your physician. This blog/video is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Your health and wellness matters, so please be safe.


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