If you have been following my blog regarding the building work on my house, this is a follow-up from that and the latest news!
The bad news since May 15, when I employed this builder to do my bathroom to refurbish and it is the 2nd of July, and it is only 30% done; therefore, I have no choice but to take him to the small Claims Court. This is a massive problem because of my background in living in abusive relationships since a child; therefore, I shy away from anything nonconfrontational, so, this is causing tremendous stress for me.
In my church leadership role, in coaching and counselling, I lead from a nurturing perspective. I am not cynical, and I take people at face value. Unfortunately, the scam artists can smell that yard away and take advantage of me, as has this worker who should have refurbished my bathroom within five days as agreed. I have paid £1400 worth of materials to date that I have not received and wondering why?
This worker ignores all my emails, text, and phone calls. Because he refused t answer my calls, I have resorted to using a friend’s phone to call him. He has avoided me at all costs, but now the time has come for reckoning. Therefore today, I have sent him an official letter that if he does not pay me back to £1400 that he owes me for services and material not received, I will take him to court.
I’m pensionable age, live alone, I believe he has taken advantage of that. But is also taken advantage of my good nature/naïveté. I have always wanted to think the best of people. I would never lie to anybody or deceive, certainly not scam them. Therefore, I have automatically the same point of view towards others, which has not served me well.
I am not a millionaire or a leader in business matters because I am too soft. I am a nurturer, a healer; however, does that mean that I should not develop enough thick skin to avoid been taken advantage of?
I really don’t know the answer to that. I am seriously out of pocket due to this circumstance, and you my dear readers, may be reading this, and have been taken advantage of as well.
You may have suffered financially, lost the love of family, lost your homes as I have, you lost jobs as I have, lost identity as I have, etc- all because you believed the promises of someone you thought cared for you. You may be trying to claw back everything that you have lost trusting God by the way the Holy Spirit to help you, as I am.
When I first became a Christian at the age of 20 years old, I was told that I would understand all things and have all the answers to my questions. I believed that. But 40 years on, I believe that was an untruth. How possibly can we know the mind of God? How can we understand his ways? In our struggles from day to day, we can try to be self-aware, which is why I practise and teach mindfulness and continual faith in God’s ability to see us through difficult times.
I don’t know what tomorrow holds, you don’t know what tomorrow holds, but God does. And trusting in God equals faith in God’s ability to see us through – And you know it, as I do, that’s all we have. I have no family around me. I have no personal friends who live close to me because I have moved away due to my job. My ministry is to give out continually to the bereaved to the suffering sharing hope and love to all who I can. I rely on God to fill me up to overflowing, and I believe with all my heart that that is possible because I have an experienced that, so I know it is possible!
Perhaps the suffering that I’m going through now is reaching you, is helping you. Perhaps this has caused me to move away from religious platitudes and from over-edited blogs to reach your heart, to reach your suffering because I am in that place. I have always been in that place but didn’t know how to communicate it.
I have another website called suffered financially, . Its new and not up and running yet. I have created it and set aside from Hope. Faith. Love. to reach people, all people who perhaps have no faith but desperately need hope and the grace of their lives to keep going.
Our fears and disappointments can be turned into hope and faith and love if we want them to. If we allow them to. If we ask God for them to.
I will keep you posted of the eventualities regarding with this ongoing human saga of this building work. I have also made a video story that I will be posting on my YouTube channel when all this is over.
I hope this will help you folk who hate nonconfrontational things as I do.
I hope it will help people who find themselves always relying on the promises of a man or on somebody else and then find themselves totally suddenly relying on themselves – you are not alone.
Perhaps you have been promised the world in the past like I have and came up empty-handed.
However, I believe if we keep the faith, God can restore – and will restore. God keeps his promises.
We have our times when we cry and mourn, then we strengthen ourselves in the power of God’s might. We will get there, yes! We will get there!
Virtual hugs, I look forward to your visit to my next blog post!
Paula Rose Parish