Without experiencing change, we can not Grow in Faith.

It’s been such a cold winter here in the UK. For some, the cold may be difficult to cope with particularly if one has to stand at bus stops or train stations.

For me, I enjoy the change that will come in Spring and then Summer- although the hot weather wears me out a little. Life is about change, isn’t it? We can’t avoid it. 

The theme of change is all the way through the Holy Bible and tells us that without change there is no growth, nothing new can emerge because new life comes from change. 

In my ministry for the last several years, there has been a season of change, which looks like it’s continuing. For some time I didn’t want anything to change as I have had continuous change since 1980 when I was ordained into the ministry.

Particularly as one gets older, one gets tired of moving and saying goodbye to dear friends and family, and there comes a time when enough is enough. However, God has something different for me in mind becaus4e my ministry is constantly changing. Mainly due to the effect of the pandemic.  

Changes in my life and ministry even though highly unexpected however, I see that God’s hand in even which hadn’t been accounted for. 

As you know as the United Reformed Church minister I Pastor 2 Churches and work with three denominations being the Methodist Church, Presbyterian, and the Congregationalist. 

For the last few years, I have also been working with the Church in Wales. This has come about because our Methodist circuit needs to adjust its ministry in the view of a couple of ministers leaving. Therefore the ministers remaining have been asked to juggle various pastoral responsibilities. 

And because I am a minister on the circuit I too have been asked to rearrange my pastoral responsibilities.

Working with three different denominations and their ways of working is quite different from each other so I must be very open-minded, extremely flexible, and have a good sense of humor! But what really helps me through all the changes and the new things to learn is the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. 

I pray early each morning and study the Word in my devotion time for an hour. I pray in the spirit throughout my day. I recognize that my own personal resources are limited, my ideas are limited, my gifting is limited. But I serve a God of our Lord Jesus Christ who is unlimited and grants me and you, an unlimited power through his Holy Spirit who is given to all of us, to live in us.

So where the end of my personal resources,  the Holy Spirit continues on and so, therefore, I can declare that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).

I wish to encourage you all at this time, no matter what changes are in your life for good or for ill, being minded to pray specifically will help you through.  

The Bible tells us to make our requests to God (Philippians 4.6) and we have not because we ask not (James 4.3)  The father will give us the Holy Spirit if we ask because the Father once to give good gifts to his children (Luke 11.13).

 Each and every one of us needs the Holy Spirit who manifests in our lives daily. So I want to encourage you today to pray without ceasing to allow this Holy Spirit to lead and guide you, to strengthen you, and to empower you.

 The Spirit will lead you into all truth so God our Father may do exceedingly abundantly in your life beyond what you ever can ask beyond what you ever can think (Ephesians 3.20).

?So many people want their faith and church to grow. The problem is to figure out where to begin. This site is about helping people do just that. It’s for anyone who feels stuck in their faith and longs for a breakthrough. It’s for people who are exploring Christianity and want to know what it’s all about – apart from what they see in the media. If that’s you – please consider subscribing.

Paula Rose has a Bachelor of Pastoral Counselling and Theology, Vision Christian University, USA

Master of Arts In Counselling & Professional Development, specializing in Spiritual Abuse The University of Derby, UK.

BACP Life Coaching Course, Bristol, UK

A life member of (ISFP) The International Society of Female Professionals.

Subscribe to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL, it’s free!.

Paula is a Wellness Coach Ordained Minister, Blogger, Podcaster, Course Creator, Published Author and has a Master of Arts in Counselling and many other qualifications and a lifetime so, I have heaps to share with you.

Paula is a life member of (ISFP) The International Society of Female Professionals


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