A balanced approach that combines healthy eating, regular physical activity, and smart lifestyle habits.
Is Blogging Worth the Time?
Do you spend hours and hours writing blogs only to get minimal or no views?
Preventative Health: Why Visit the Doctor Regularly: Even There’s No Obvious Problem
It’s much easier to be unproductive when your health is poor. When your ability to move, breathe, and think is impaired, productivity can be seriously limited. It works even better when you’re constantly worried about your poor health. Preventative Health holds the answer for all of us.
Looking after yourself is important- after all, no one will look out for you- except YOU!
If you want to be successful, you need to look after your health. You need to shift your mind set and think in terms of Preventative Health.
You might feel great, but many ailments don’t present symptoms:
1. Hypertension. High blood pressure isn’t noticeable until it’s extremely high. You can feel 100% normal with blood pressure high enough to cause significant damage. Check your blood pressure regularly.
2. Diabetes. Sure, there are symptoms. However, those symptoms only appear at very high levels of blood sugar. You can have a problem for years before the symptoms appear.
3. High cholesterol. You’ll still feel the same whether your cholesterol is very high or very low.
These are just a few simple examples. Many other medical conditions don’t present obvious symptoms.
The most effective way to maintain your health is to be proactive.
Get a regular check-up with your physician regardless of how you feel.
Think of it as an oil change for your body.
Remember—you want an expert to work on your car, so let an expert work on your body!
For more articles like these, click HERE
I hope these strategies are helpful to you.
Ensure you subscribe- it’s free. Ensure you subscribe- it’s free. We advocate preventive, holistic care, particularly for women over 50.
In the meantime, Live Life on Purpose Because Your Wellness Matters!
Affiliate Link: Got a YouTube channel? To Get More Views and Subscribers, click this link to get your free TubeBuddy today. https://www.Tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=Wellness4Women
DISCLAIMER: Remember, your safety is our priority. If you’re new to psychological therapy, exercise, nutrition, or fitness or planning to start, it’s crucial to consult your physician. This blog/video is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Your health and wellness matters, so please be safe.
Simple Self-reflection and affirmations
Self-reflection and affirmations are powerful tools for good mental health
I am in awe of my body and how it looks after me.
I understand that my body is responsible for incredible processes and should be respected.
I ensure I look after my mental well-being.
I remind myself of how important I am to the world.
I tell myself I deserve to be happy and celebrate my life and everyone in it.
I think positively, creating moments of happiness and reminding myself what I am grateful for.
I exist in the present moment.
I look after my physical health.
I go for a run and can feel my body working.
I know I have to respect my body.
I eat healthy foods and gain pleasure from learning to cook.
I turn cooking into a social activity and encourage others to be healthy.
I am privileged to be part of a healthy community.
I take time to laugh and to see the joy in life.
I remind myself to look at the beauty and the intricacies of the world around me.
I find joy in every moment I spend in nature.
I am thankful I am part of this world.
Today, I appreciate the incredible journey my body is constantly making.
I look after my mental and physical well-being and celebrate my body and the fantastic miracles it performs.
Self-Reflection Questions:
Am I eating healthily and looking after my body?
Am I looking after my mental well-being?
Am I smiling and laughing and enjoying the world around me?
I hope these strategies are helpful to you.
Ensure you subscribe—it’s free. We advocate preventive, holistic care, particularly for women over 50.
In the meantime, Live Life on Purpose Because Your Wellness Matters!
Affiliate Link: Got a YouTube channel? To Get More Views and Subscribers, click this link to get your free TubeBuddy today. https://www.Tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=Wellness4Women
DISCLAIMER: Remember, your safety is our priority. If you’re new to psychological therapy, exercise, nutrition, or fitness or planning to start, it’s crucial to consult your physician. This blog/video is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Your health and wellness matters, so please be safe.
Empower Your Wellness Journey: with Self-Reflection and Affirmation
Cultivating wellness isn’t just about physical health; it’s also about nurturing the mind and spirit.
Is the Who-ha about Focus All Bananas?
Is the idea focus all Bananas?? Let’s Find out!
Ask Yourself-
Is eating a banana split or a tofu sandwich on whole-grain bread more enjoyable?
Is it more pleasurable to watch your favourite old movie for the ninth time or to spend that time at the gym?
Choices, Choices, Choices ?
One option is much more enjoyable in the short term but adds to your long-term pain.
The best long-term choices aren’t much fun in the short term. It’s a cruel joke.
This mindset is the primary cause of procrastination.
Instead of asking yourself what would feel good right now, ask yourself what you can do to benefit yourself in the future.
One tofu sandwich instead of a bacon cheeseburger might not significantly impact today, but it will make a massive difference if you make it a habit.
How to Maintain a Long-Term Focus.
Imagine your decision replicated every day for the next five years. What would be the logical result?
Imagine eating that banana split every day for five long years. Will your physique and health improve or worsen? Is the idea of focus all Bananas?
What’s pleasurable in the short term is often detrimental in the long term.
So now, after reading this, I am asking you the question: Is Focus all Bannas?
“You don’t have to be a genius or visionary?—?You just need a framework and a dream.”
- Michael Dell
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I hope these strategies are helpful to you.
Ensure you subscribe—it’s free. We advocate preventive, holistic care, particularly for women over 50.
In the meantime, Live Life on Purpose Because Your Wellness Matters!
Affiliate Link: Got a YouTube channel? To Get More Views and Subscribers, click this link to get your free TubeBuddy today. https://www.Tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=Wellness4Women
DISCLAIMER: Remember, your safety is our priority. If you’re new to psychological therapy, exercise, nutrition, or fitness or planning to start, it’s crucial to consult your physician. This blog/video is for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Your health and wellness matters, so please be safe.
How to Stop Changing Your Mind
Stick with your decisions with these 5 Tips
The best way to never gain traction in life is to never make a decision or to constantly change your mind. So, Stop Changing Your Mind!
Do you regularly change your plans? Do you keep changing your mind?
Regularly changing your plans is a great way to feel like you’re doing something without ever making any progress. It’s ingenious!
We all know them- You may be One!
You know the type. The person decides he’s going to medical school. He then decides he’s going to medical school.
He buys a guitar. Then, he decides to become a professional blogger before the first set of strings are worn out. It’s insidious.
This person feels like he’s doing great things. He has big plans, and any of them could work. Yet, they’ll never be fruitful unless he can stick with the plan.
Stick with Your Decisions using 5 Tips- To Stop Changing Your Mind
1. Reflect and realise how constantly changing your mind is ineffective.
It’s no different than starting in Edinburgh and driving three hours toward Bristol.
Then three hours toward London, and then three hours toward Derby. Where do you end up?
Not a place you planned to go or somewhere you want to be!
2. Make a habit of following through.
It’s easier to maintain bigger decisions if you maintain your smaller decisions.
3. Follow through on your plans
When you make plans to meet to meet your friends?—?don’t bow out!.
When you clean the garage, clean the entire garage.
Wash all the dishes, even the crusty frying pan. Avoid leaving it until morning.
4. Imagine a positive outcome.
When you feel bogged down, it’s because the present is uncomfortable.
Turn your attention to the ideal outcome.
The doubt and frustration you’re feeling will melt away.
5. Stay grounded in the present.
You can only change your mind if your mind starts to wander.
Be Mindful- To Stop Changing Your Mind
Pay attention to today. Avoid looking ahead at all the work that lies in the future. Instead, manage each day as it comes.
Don’t expect to make perfect decisions?—?none of us do. Decisions only work out well if you stick with them. To make perfect decisions?—?none of us do. Decisions only work
Persistence is an invaluable quality. Make your decisions. More importantly, avoid changing your mind!
Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s your determination—your commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal—that wins.
Stop changing your mind. Make a commitment to excellence. Then, you will be able to achieve the success you seek.
If you enjoyed this article, click HERE for more free blogs.
I hope these strategies are helpful to you.
Ensure you subscribe—it’s free. We advocate preventive, holistic care, particularly for women over 50.
In the meantime, Live Life on Purpose Because Your Wellness Matters!
Affiliate Link: Got a YouTube channel? To Get More Views and Subscribers, click this link to get your free TubeBuddy today. https://www.Tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=Wellness4Women
Make Decisions Poorly.
Poor decisions are the equal of starting a journey in the wrong direction. You might get there, but it will be a longer journey. You Make Decisions Poorly. This article may be of help.
Make wise decisions and point your life in a positive direction:
Making decisions poorly is only sometimes a path to failure. Those who have never failed- have never made anything.
Consider how a few poor decisions can create significant challenges in your life. And decide and learn to do better.
Trust your gut.
I have fallen on this one. I have failed time and time again to trust my gut, and I have been in very sticky situations all because I failed to trust my heart.
When making big decisions, it’s often best to trust your heart. Be logical with the little choices, but go with your gut when making the big decisions.
Flip a coin.
No, you’re not going to leave a big decision to chance.
Flip a coin and then check your emotions.
Before you look at the coin, you’ll notice that part of you hopes for a particular result. That’s your answer!
Consider your ideal life.
If you don’t have a vision for your life, create one now. I have many blogs on my website to help you to find a mission and vision for yourself- here
Consider where you want to be.
Once you know where you’re going, it’s much easier to choose a path. Align your decisions with that aim.
Do a benefit/cost analysis.
List the pros and cons and make an intelligent decision based on the facts. Think about the short-term and long-term implications. When I made an effort to do this, This has worked for me to make the right decision.
Those who struggle sacrifice the future for a short-term benefit.
List the pros and cons and make an intelligent decision based on the facts. Think about the short-term and long-term implications.
If all else fails
let a wise friend choose for you. Most of us have that friend who lives a charmed life. If you trust them, ask for advice and follow it.
However, don’t try to avoid taking responsibility for your life. But a wise friend can be of great help if you are stuck.
Do you make poor decisions? Most of the challenges you’ve faced started with a poor decision.
I have made MANY poor decisions! But we should never give up, should we?
Be kind to yourself. Respect your decisions. Avoid procrastinating, but make wise decisions. Slowly, your success in life will grow. Remember- Making decisions poorly is only sometimes a path to failure. Those who have never failed- have never made anything.
If you enjoyed this article, Click HERE for more free blogs
I hope these strategies are helpful to you.
Ensure you subscribe—it’s free. We advocate preventive, holistic care, particularly for women over 50.
In the meantime, Live Life on Purpose Because Your Wellness Matters!
Affiliate Link: Got a YouTube channel? To Get More Views and Subscribers, click this link to get your free TubeBuddy today. https://www.Tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=Wellness4Women
The Facts about Binge-Eating and Its Treatment
Binge eating involves more than simply overeating. Binge eating is an eating related disorder associated with uncontrolled eating habits and challenging emotions. To bring a little ray of hope to sufferers and their families. In this post, we briefly look at the Facts about Binge-Eating and Its Treatment.
Binge-Eating Defined
Binge-eating is a medical and psychological condition during which a person eats large amounts of food over short periods of time. Regardless of the signals their bodies send that they’re full, those who binge continue to consume amounts of food that surpass normal portions.
Binge-eating involves more than just eating a double portion of a favourite food. Those who binge might eat two cheeseburgers followed by a half gallon of ice cream and a box of cookies.
Typical Thinking Patterns
One who binge-eats engages in unhealthy thinking patterns, which drive her/him to over-eat.
They might feel powerless to arrest their aggressive eating behaviours.
Even though you might believe a person would feel too ashamed to binge-eat, the fact is that shame can actually emotionally fuel a binge-eating episode.
Experiencing uncomfortable feelings such as self-loathing and shame is a hallmark symptom of someone who’s dealing with binge eating.
Many people who struggle with binging also have distorted body images. They might believe they’re obese when actually they’re within usual weight standards or only mildly overweight.
On the other hand, a person who binge-eats could also weigh considerably more than the weight charts recommend for their height and age.
Many people use purging as a remedy. This condition is called Bulimia.
Although the condition does occur in both males and females.
There is hope???
We must recognise that people who binge can discover optimism and confidence to live successful lives in recovery.
Treatments for Binge-Eating
There is a wide range of effective treatment regimens if you are looking for them. These will help you rise above the condition.
Here are some beneficial treatment avenues:
Self-Help Groups.
Depending on the community, you might have the opportunity to attend self-help groups to reduce or stop incidents of binge eating.
Self-Help groups such as Overeaters Anonymous can provide wonderful, understanding emotional support for people who struggle with binge eating.
Individual Cognitive Therapy.
Attending individual therapy sessions can be pretty helpful for those who require more professional aid.
Cognitive Therapy (CBT) is conducted by a trained therapist who works to confront the individual’s distorted body image, unhealthy thinking patterns, and feelings of shame.
The therapist aids the person in replacing troublesome thoughts with more realistic, healthy, and positive thoughts.
Another way a therapist motivates someone in recovery from this very real medical condition is to encourage the person who binge-eats to surround herself with understanding, supportive family and friends.
Family Therapy.
If the person who’s dealing with binging is a teen, family therapy, in addition to individual therapy, can be a lifesaver for family members who want to better understand what their teen is going through.
If you require more intensive treatment than individual therapy. Family therapy, and self-help group attendance, or intensive day treatment may be an option.
Some programs provide 2 to 6 hours of professional treatments a week. Such treatment typically takes place at eating disorder facilities that give a variety of treatment options that enable individuals on their paths to recovery.
Inpatient Treatment Stay.
Sometimes, the person struggling with binge eating would benefit from voluntarily entering an inpatient treatment facility for a 4-6 week stay.
This kind of therapy provides a 100% supportive physical and emotional environment around the clock to ensure binge-eating behaviours subside and healthy eating habits increase.
Outpatient follow-up treatment to provide much-needed support will be necessary as you transition back into your home environment.
There is Hope!
Binge-eating is a medical/psychological condition that involves eating large amounts of food and experiencing emotional turmoil. People can overcome the challenging behaviours and feelings associated with binge eating to embrace healthy, fulfilling lives.
The key to recovery is recognising the condition – naming it.
Once we identify the problem, we can look for effective treatment while gaining the caring support of friends and family members. Our aim is to live a well-deserved, rewarding life.
I hope these strategies are helpful to you.
Ensure you subscribe- it’s free. We advocate preventive, holistic care.
In the meantime, Live Life on Purpose Because Your Wellness Matters!
Affiliate Link: Got a YouTube channel? To Get More Views and Subscribers, click this link to get your free TubeBuddy today. https://www.Tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=Wellness4Women
Don’t Start a High Protein Diet Until You Read This!
I started a high-protein diet but made many mistakes. After searching YouTube for the answer to my dilemma, I have found the way forward for consistent weight loss and well-being. So, I decided to start a High-Protein Diet—the right way!
Let me back up a little bit and share some context about my high-protein diet. I needed to lose ½ stone, which is 7lb. I have been trying diligently for quite a long time now.
I reduced my calories to 1200, virtually eliminating carbohydrates and concentrating on proteins and low fat. But the problem is that I didn’t finish many of my meals or even reach the 1200-calorie mark because I just wasn’t hungry.
Now, at 69, I understand that as we get older, we do lose appetite. We don’t get hungry like we used to when we were young.
Despite my workout weight regime, cardio schedule, and 10,000 steps per day, I just wasn’t getting hungry. So, I would miss meals and call it intermittent fasting.
Despite my efforts, I was getting bloated, and my weight rose above nine stone. This caused me upset and distress because I saw nothing for my efforts.
I became quite despondent and stopped using the MyFitnessPal app. I used to record my meals in Fitness Pal, but I stopped doing that.
I began to eat when I wanted and any old how.
Understandably, my weight ballooned to another 7lb, which is a considerable amount on my 4-foot 11-inch frame.
Feeling dreadful, I prayed about it and asked God to help me. I began to search for owners online. I eventually came across a Fitness and health expert on YouTube and binged-watched her videos.
Finally, I figured out the problem: why I was putting on weight despite my careful meal and exercise planning.
Through Michelle’s channel, I realised that I wasn’t eating enough.
Although I was eating the right things, I wasn’t eating the correct quantities to sustain my energy levels and build lean muscle. My body became stressed and hung onto every ounce of fat.
Michelle suggested that we should eat even when we do not feel hungry and not wait to feel hungry to eat. She said we must fuel our bodies daily to sustain energy and strength.
So, according to Michelle’s suggestions, I have written a new strength workout regime and meal plan for myself.
I’ve just returned from the supermarket after buying all the food I need, and I’ll keep you posted on how I get on.
But in the meantime, I want to help those who may be in my position.
Perhaps you’re not hungry, you’re not eating, your energy levels are low, you’re tired, or you feel weak. If so, then this blog is for you.
I will also link one of Michelle’s videos about protein and strength training Here.
Why Start a High Protein Diet?
You can lose weight on a high-protein diet. High protein diets can help you lose weight, but are there any hidden costs? Take a look at what medical experts have to say about the pros and cons of eating more protein.
1. Understand your needs. The average American gets about 16% of their daily calories from protein, which is slightly more than the minimum Recommended Dietary Allowance of 10%. While diets like Atkins advocate consuming as much as 50% protein, most experts suggest sticking to a range of 15 to 35%.
2. Feel full. Protein does suppress your appetite, so you’re less likely to feel hungry. This will stop you from consuming junk food. You may still need other weight loss strategies if you’re dealing with issues like emotional overeating or lack of physical activity.
3. Switch your calories. Naturally, you’ll gain weight if you add more protein to your usual fare. Try replacing sugary foods with high-protein snacks like roasted chickpeas.
4. Choose wisely. Look for lean protein sources, and limit processed meat. Good options include fish, beans, eggs, low-fat dairy products, and skinless poultry. There are plenty of choices for both vegetarians and meat eaters.
5. Eat vegetables. Aim for at least seven small servings of fresh vegetables and fruits a day. They’re usually high in nutrients and low in calories, and most contain some protein.
6. Drink water. Extra protein can leave you feeling dehydrated. Carry around a water bottle and drink tea.
7. Spread it out. Your body uses protein more efficiently if you include it in each meal and snack rather than waiting for dinner. Enjoy an omelet or fish sandwich for breakfast. Snack on yoghurt and nuts.
8. Make lasting changes. To keep weight off, you’ll need to make lifestyle changes you can maintain for years. A diet with a variety of foods is safer and easier than an extremely high protein regimen.
Other Considerations for a High-Protein Diet
1. Take extra care. A little extra protein is safe for most adults, but some conditions require precautions. Very high protein intake may aggravate kidney troubles or contribute to osteoporosis.
2. Adjust for life changes. There are also times when you may need more protein, including pregnancy and old age. Extra protein can slow down muscle loss for seniors, which interests me as I am a senior. Sadly, many older people become frail due to insufficient protein.
3. Muscle up. Regardless of your age, protein also helps muscle recovery after vigorous workouts, especially if you lift weights. If you spend a lot of time at the gym, you may need to aim for the upper range and get 20% to 35% of your calories from protein.
4. Focus on whole foods. Protein bars are convenient, but many brands have as much sugar as a candy bar. Read the labels, and save them for special occasions like travel. Quick salads and stir-fries will provide more nutrients almost as quickly when you’re at home.
5. Save your money. Manufacturers know that protein is popular now, so supermarkets are full of high-protein breakfast cereals and peanut butter. If the prices look expensive, rest assured that you can easily meet your protein needs with less expensive foods like eggs and tofu.
6. Talk with your doctor. Your doctor can advise you about protein consumption and weight loss strategies appropriate for your individual needs.
Ask for a referral to a nutritionist if you want more information.
A balanced diet and daily exercise are still the ideal ways to manage your weight. Foods rich in protein can help you feel full with fewer calories, especially if you choose lean versions, and eat them in combination with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.
I hope ” my article on High Protein Diet is helpful to you.
If so, let me know in the comments. For more articles like these, click here.
I hope these strategies are helpful to you.
Ensure you subscribe- it’s free. We advocate preventive, holistic care.
In the meantime, Live Life on Purpose Because Your Wellness Matters!
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Better Mental and Physical Health Strategies.
The pursuit of better mental and physical health involves adopting habits, practices, and mindsets that support holistic wellness.
How to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions
Are you going through a significant change in your life? Have you ever felt completely confused about what you should be doing? It’s even more confusing when you’re beyond middle age and going through dramatic life changes. Tips on the Power of Change: How to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions is the answer!
It can be disconcerting, upsetting and undoubtedly confusing. But how do we gather our thoughts and recognise our purposes to move us in the right direction?
I’m going through a similar transition, moving from a career of more than 40 years into something generally unknown territory.
It’s scary and very confusing. But I have found a sure and steady way forward that may help you if you find yourself in a similar position.
Life transitions can be both exciting and challenging, so here are Seven Tips on how to Embrace Change and Growth in Your Life.
1. How to Thrive- Reflect on Your Goals:
It is well worth taking some time to think about what you want to achieve in the next phase of your life. You haven’t got time to waste, so seriously reflect on your values, passions, and long-term aspirations.
2. Set Clear Objectives:
Determine where you are heading and why. Once you have a sense of where you want to go, set specific, achievable goals to work towards. Break them down into smaller steps to make them more manageable – have fun with it!
3. Create a Plan:
Avoid circumstances dictating to you, so put yourself in the driver’s seat by developing a plan of action to reach your goals. Consider what resources, skills, or support you might need along the way.
4. Stay Flexible:
Being flexible reduces stress. Transitions can bring unexpected changes and challenges. Be prepared to adapt your plans as needed and stay open to new opportunities.
5. Take Care of Yourself:
It’s easy to forget to look after yourself during transition periods, which can be stressful. Even more reason to so prioritise self-care. Ensure you’re getting enough rest, exercise, and healthy food, and find activities that help you relax and recharge.
6. Seek Support:
If possible, don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, mentors, or support groups for guidance and encouragement. If possible, because many of my clients do not share the same values of holistic wellness as their family or friends, it can be a very lonely road indeed.
So, instead, listen to positive podcasts and videos and read uplifting books that will nurture you and motivate you towards your goals. Learning from others who have gone through similar transitions can provide valuable insight and perspective.
7. Stay Positive: I know it’s not easy,
but purpose to maintain a positive outlook, even when things get tough. Focus on your progress and accomplishments, no matter how small, and celebrate your successes along the way.
I need to remind myself every now and then that transitions are a natural part of life, and while they can be challenging, they can be confusing.
However, at the same time, they also offer opportunities for growth and self-discovery. I hope these Seven Tips to How to Embrace Change and Growth in Your Life were helpful to you.
Trust in yourself and your decision-making abilities, and believe that you have what it takes to successfully navigate this period of change.
I’ll keep you posted on my journey, and let me know how you are doing. I wish you all the best of British luck as you navigate life’s transitions.
I hope How to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions is helpful to you.
Ensure you subscribe- it’s free.
In the meantime,
Live Life on Purpose Because Your Wellness Matters!
Why and How to Cut Down on Sugar
Is Sugar Ruining Your Immune System?
There was a time when I could not live without sugar. It wasn’t until I learned that sugar was ruining my immune system that I made a change. So, let’s talk about why and how to cut down on sugar.
You probably know that there are many important reasons to cut down on sugar. That includes losing weight and preventing cavities. If you need more motivation, you can think about your immune system, too.
A growing body of research has found that the sweet stuff can undermine immune functioning. Is sugar ruining your immune system? Sugar plays a significant role in diabetes and a wide variety of other metabolic disorders. So, to cut down on sugar is a sensible idea.
High blood sugar has also been associated with imbalances in gut bacteria, higher levels of inflammatory proteins, and increased rates of certain autoimmune diseases.
It’s a widespread issue because most adults eat way too much sugar. The recommended daily guidelines are 36 grams for men, and 25 for women. To put that in perspective, a can of soda contains about 32 grams.
Meanwhile, most of us eat about 77 grams, which is 3 times over the guidelines.
Satisfy your sweet tooth without putting yourself at higher risk for serious medical conditions. Try these suggestions for eating less sugar and boosting your immunity.
How to Cut Down on Sugar:
Sugar may be ruining your immune system. So, you have every reason to cut down on sugar. Here are a few tips on how to cut down on sugar.
- Taper down slowly. You’ll miss sugar a lot less if you make gradual changes. For example, add half as much to your coffee each day.
- Read labels. You might be surprised by the hidden sugar in many processed foods, such as sauces and soups. Check the ingredients, which might be called many different names, including dextrose and syrup.
- Eat fruit. For healthier treats, snack on plain fruit. Keep a bowl of apples and oranges in sight on your kitchen counter.
- Enjoy dark chocolate. It’s the smart choice for chocolate lovers because it has less sugar and many health benefits. Make a dip for fruit or add dark cocoa powder to hummus.
- Shrink portion sizes. You can eat just about anything if you practice moderation. Prepare a small bowl of chips or ice cream instead of eating out of the container.
- Use natural sweeteners. Sugar substitutes can still contribute to weight gain and cravings for sweets. Use them sparingly and opt for natural products like stevia.
- Drink water. Soda, juice, cocktails, and other sweetened beverages are a majour source of added sugar. Quench your thirst with plain water or tea.
- Be patient. Your taste buds will adapt to a low-sugar diet over time. In a few weeks, you’ll probably prefer healthier foods.
How to Boost Your Immune System.
- Exercise regularly. Physical activity increases circulation and causes positive changes in antibodies and white blood cells that fight infection. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity each week.
- Sleep well. You’re more prone to illness when you’re deprived of sleep. Go to bed and wake up on a consistent schedule that gives you 7 to 8 hours of rest.
- Manage stress. Chronic tension results in inflammation and fewer immune cells. Find relaxation methods that work for you, like listening to music. Talk about your feelings with a friend or a professional therapist.
- Wash your hands. According to Northwestern Medicine, clean hands can prevent one in three diarrhea-related illnesses, and one in five respiratory infections. Wash them 6 to 10 times a day, especially before you handle food and after you use the bathroom.
- Quit smoking. The tar and nicotine in tobacco interfere with immune functioning, which increases the risk of cancer and other serious conditions. Pick a date to quit. Social support and nicotine replacement devices may help.
Managing your sugar intake may be easier than you think. You cut down on sugar with focus and effort.
Learn to cook and enjoy delicious, whole foods while avoiding empty calories and enhancing your overall health and well-being.
To Learn More About Your Wellness, visit The Life Elevation Project, click HERE
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Why Self-Reflection Improves Your Life
Self Development for a Happy Life
We all want to live happily. Today, we look at Why Self-Reflection Improves Your Life.
Self-reflection is part of the process of developing a happy life. Self-reflection can help us make an effort to live better lives.
Nobody is perfect, and if we were all the same, the world would be boring place. This is why self-reflection is so critical.
Self-reflection involves examining one’s wants, dreams, goals, attitudes, and behaviors and comparing them to how one is actually living.
When you self-reflect, you can look at:
- How you are treated by others
- How you behave around people
- Where you are in your life
- How you are perceived by others
- Where your short and long-term goals may have changed
Let’s take a quick look at why self-reflection is important and how it can help you to live a happy, stable, and positive life.
You Have the Power To Make Changes
If you take time to look at your hopes, dreams, and goals. Then, you can establish just how satisfied you are with your life.
When self-reflecting, it may suddenly occur to you that you don’t enjoy your job anymore and you want to pursue a new career.
Alternatively, self-reflection could encourage you to pack up and move, go on holiday, get a new hobby, or even pick up the phone and reconnect with a friend.
Only when you spend time thinking about your hopes, dreams, and goals will you get insight into what you want. From there, you can take steps to make positive changes in your life.
You Can Become the Person You want to be
Often, it’s only when someone points out our behaviors that we can take a moment to step back and realise the effect our words and actions have on people.
Self-reflection is all about making positive change, looking at the past, and considering how to set up a positive future.
Consider whether or not there is anyone in your life you could treat with more respect. Are you a generous person? Do you make an effort to connect with friends? Do you exhibit selfless behavior? Do you offer support to family or a friend in need?
Take some time to think about how you come across and whether there is room to become an even better friend.
You Can Reflect on How Much You’ve Achieved
Self-reflection doesn’t always have to involve making dramatic changes.
If you are feeling sad and need a bit of a boost, it might be worth thinking about or some of the milestones you’ve crossed and goals you’ve managed to achieve.
By reflecting on your achievements and your journey so far, you can appreciate how far you’ve come and where you’re headed.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with giving yourself a boost now and again. Remind yourself of your strength, dedication, resilience, and self-worth, and put yourself in a positive mood!
You Can Learn from Your Mistakes
Learning from the past and understanding the impact of our mistakes is hugely important.
I regularly attend the sacrament of confession. This gives me the space, atmosphere and opportunity to self-reflect and ask for forgiveness.
By considering events from the past, you can process how much you have learned and establish how to make positive choices in the future. Knowledge and experience are powerful tools.
Sometimes, in life, we need to be kind to ourselves. We need to remind ourselves of the journey we have been on. It’s also healthy to consider our behaviour as family members, friends, and as people in general.
Once we start to reflect upon our lifestyle and behaviors’, we can take positive steps toward a happier future and constantly adapt and evolve.
I hope that Why Self-Reflection Improves Your Life has helped you and that you feel supported.
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#5 Happy New Year 2024!
I want to thank you for the lovely cards and well wishes I received from you over Christmas. It is much appreciated, and I look forward to fellowshipping with you this year; please contact me to make time for me to visit with you.
The Christmas season can be a wonderful time and is still here until Epiphany arrives in January. Somehow, I don’t think we consider the 12 days of Christmas from 25 Dec -5 Jan, which can be a time to regroup after a hectic Christmas holiday.
Jesus told us to give no thought to tomorrow – Matthew 6:34. Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. But he is NOT saying you don’t plan. He is talking about the unknown that tomorrow might bring, worrying about it, and missing the blessings of today. He is talking about living in the NOW, enjoying this moment because you will never experience this moment, this day ever again.
Jeremiah 29:1 says… For I know my plans for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. So, God is into plans, and our plans should match His so we can be happy.
I belong to a health club. Each year, they bring in new gym equipment, I guess, to keep the people interested. The place is packed out in January, but come February, things get back to normal, and my guess is that most people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions- to get thinner, fitter and healthier. There is nothing wrong with New Year’s resolutions because it’s all about a fresh start. I made some, and many of us try hard to keep them.
The good news is that with each new year comes an opportunity for a fresh start. But then, this is so each week. Every Sunday is the first day of the week, which affords us a new beginning, and we can put the past week well and truly behind us.
Learning from its lessons and starting again for a new week afresh. Indeed, we could go further and say Gods mercies are New Every morning, Lamentations 3:22-23. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. We see this pattern in the first three words in the Bible – in the beginning – there is a new start from the dawn of time, from chaos to light. There’s always a beginning in God’s world, whether it’s the first, second, third or more!
For many of us, the New Year is a blank page. You may have some appointments, holidays and plans in your new diary, but by and large, it’s not all filled in. So, what will you do with this gift of time given to all of us? We could squander it, or we could use it for Gods glory while drawing on His new mercies every morning. It starts with us giving our all to God.
Ask God to be your time clock for His will to be done for the day. Then you will find that it is all in his plan, come hell or high water. Maybe you are being tested and need to learn something that no other circumstance can teach.
God does use all circumstances and will turn suffering and bad times around for our good if we give it to Him and trust Him. Whatever happens this year, Christ is all in all and loves You very much. Give him a go and see yourself grow in faith, love, and hope for a bright tomorrow.
The fresh start may be a part of His loving plan as you put yourself in his loving hand today, tomorrow and all year long!
God bless you all, and Happy New Year!!!
For more articles, visit Your Wellness Matters at www.paularoseparish.com. And if this article has helped you in a small way, please like it and comment.
For helpful articles on converting from Protestantism to Catholicism and videos visit ALMOST CATHOLIC at http://almostcatholic.blog
Visit My YouTube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHzAbvL5Wdjlh4Q57XHEDA
I have worked internationally with over 40 years of experience, having a Bachelor of Pastoral Counselling and Theology and a Master of Arts in Counselling & Professional Development. BACP Life Coaching Certificate. I currently work as a Christian educator, blogger, author, and grandmother living with my two dogs in Wales, UK.
If you wish to connect with me, please do so at paularoseparish@gmail.com
?Want to help support me as an author? My books are available at AMAZON.
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