Do you know what makes you healthy and how that can impact our faith? Watch the video and read the article below to find out!
Why Mindfulness and Christianity are Compatible ?
We can become mindful as we focus upon God creation. Mindfulness can help us appreciate what God has put in front of us at this moment.
Lessons in Lent, Can Jesus Really Save Us?
God allows the beloved to choose good or evil and hopes to bless the right choice– To tempt is to hope for failure; to test is to hope for success.
What are you Giving up for Lent – or Not?
Firstly, the way that the above question is phrased (What are you giving up) I think gets us off on the wrong foot.
WALKING THE CAMINO a spiritual journey
When I walked the Camino in Northern Spain, I knew how important the yellow signposts were to stay on the trail.
The Transforming Gospel-John 4:5-42 -The Woman at the Well
Jesus always sought out the outcasts of society––the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the lepers––and his travels through Samaria carried him through a nation of outcasts. If YOU WANT TO KNOW MAORE check this out!
The Christian Life is not for the faint hearted
There’s a lot of people who poke fun at the followers of Christ. Its take guts to be a Christian. It takes guts to hang in there when things look bleak. Its faith Friday in this video we chat about how God has your back!! On the outside, the Church may not seem like much. It may seem weak. But the Church is a visible witness to the unseen reality of God’s kingdom. The Christian Life is not for the faint hearted- it’s about commitment even when life is tough. God’s invisible kingdom is more substantial and lasting than the other concrete institutions in my community.
Do you loose your temper – 4 different kinds of Anger.
If someone offends you, & if you are a person of wisdom (God’s wisdom) then you can overlook it, & not allow the situation to become a major event that overwhelms you. I discovered that there are 4 types of anger dealt with in the Bible..
9 Tips to keep your mind healthy and sharp: Your Wellness Matters! ?
Although cognitive decline is usually inevitable with aging, it’s possible to delay the symptoms and beat the odds for developing dementia and other forms of memory loss.
If you are recovering from a traumatic event or if you’re a hyper-focused, motivated, achiever, then I know you can successfully apply yourself to create a better balance in your life.
Three Steps to learn to love yourself and why you should.
After a struggle of years, much sweat,prayers and tears, I finally rid myself of such behaviour and began to value myself. In valuing myself, I was able to love myself.
YOU can NOT Please EVERYONE- You are Enough!
In this article, I want to deal with why we may seek the approval of others and a few steps on how to free ourselves from the addiction of seeking approval.
You Need THIS if you’re Grieving.
We grieve because of the loss of a loved one, as I have experienced recently. We grieve over a divorce and, with it, a loss of lifestyle and perhaps family and beloved friends. We grieve when we move house away from family, friends, and all familiarity. We grieve when we lose our job or enter into retirement when we feel we have lost our sense of purpose. its oK NOT TO BE ok
How to Prepare for Death- talk about it.
Conversing around the dinner table about death and dying prepares us all mentally and emotionally for the inevitable, however distasteful we might find it.
How to Survive Transition – Ruth, the Bible’s Cinderella Story
No matter your past, it does not count for anything- God calls you – you will go through a transition- you have a purpose in your life.
My Top 5 Tips to Self-Awareness of Mind, Body & Soul
My mission is to help you work with you through the destructive mind, body, and spiritual habits that hold you back from a fruitful life. I will help you to cultivate good habits.
When Stress Causes Life to Feel Pointless.
Stress is your body’s way of responding to any demand or threat.We de-frag our computers because they get clogged up with too much information so they will perform efficiently. The same happens to our minds, and we get clogged up, also. You are all over the place – mindfulness is the answer,
4 Simple Steps to the best way to make a decision you won’t Regret.
Sometimes making decisions is hard, especially when some doubts or fears make you reconsider your position, and so you hesitate and wonder if you should give up or keep going.
How to know you’re dealing with a toxic person: Matthew 11:23
The Scribes and Pharisees are toxic people, they try to trap Jesus, they often fall into their own trap.
God’s authority or ours? Mark 11:28 – who gave you the authority do these things?
Jesus accused the merchants of making God’s house into a den of thieves. Can you imagine! These people were well within their rights! They were authorised!
Forge forward in hope, faith, and love and find a new way of living.
The Psalm is commonly believed to be just about death; however, it’s a lot more than just a cute funeral poem.
When a loved one dies- Grief Relief: how to make sense of your grief?
Bereavement affects everyone in different ways, and it’s possible to experience any range of emotions. There is no right or wrong way to feel.
5 ways mindfulness improves decision-making to enhance your business and your life.
The studies have shown that mindfulness helps people handle multiple tasks more effectively, so we know that mindfulness is not just another new age scam but serious science!
8 Qualities of a Compassionate Leader
The call on my life was so strong that it gave me the courage to push through my fears and learn to be a leader. The first thing I needed to sort was what kind the leader I wanted to be.
How to Reduce Your Stress
We really are our own worst enemy, working at cross purposes against our own best interest. We want meaning, purpose, and peace of mind, but we aren’t ready to strive or sacrifice for it. Why?
How to Count the Cost before entering the Ministry and avoid tears.
People don’t often realise that the minister just can’t take a Sunday off on the spur of the moment because we must often plan a year ahead and can’t have random time off.
How the weak and the strong are equally loved by God.
Jesus is challenging our long-held ideas of what society should be and is creating the idea of a new society called the kingdom of God.
How to change your mindset to enjoy good health and wellbeing.
I knew if I wanted to change my mind set, I had to first change what I was putting in there. I got the idea to consistently listen to many audiobooks on YouTube, which is absolutely free, to help me to change my mindset.
#95Inspiring Bible Psalm for Encouragement : You are cradled in God Love!
God was there when we were woven together in our mother’s womb and are dependent on him from birth. Since before we were born, and God has loved us and been faithful to us.
How to help others by developing a lifestyle of prayer
Prayer. Do you sometimes feel that getting answers to prayer is complicated? Have you given up on the idea of prayer due to unanswered prayer? Do you feel that God is so far way busy with lots of things that he does not care about your world?
Before the COVID- 19 pandemic I was a speaker at a conference in the USA. I flew out from Heathrow London airport, arriving a few hours before the flight, so after checking in I had a few hours to kill. I walked around and found a coffee shop and sat down with a coffee and a snack. I noticed a woman a distance away and felt led to pray for her. She was alone and was eating. For some reason, my heart went out to her, although it was not obvious, I knew something wasn’t right. So, I waited and asked God if he wanted me to chat to her. If he did, then I asked that he cause her to walk right by me. This was a big open fronted place and many ways to leave. Well, you know what happened- She walked right by me, and I began to chat to her. It turns out that she was seeking God and not getting anywhere. I shared with her how she can accept Christ. She looked stunned, saying how did I know what she was thinking. I gave her a salvation tract and told her that God told me to pray for her because he loves her and cares about her life. There was more to the conversation, and she went her way.
That encounter was the result of prayer. Prayer connects us with God. It also connects us with others as in my airport encounter. I pray all the time and look for Gods prompting the best I can. When we have a lifestyle of prayer, we have amazing experiences.
These a lot that could be said on prayer and here I am only touching the tip of the ice burg. But I hope it will provoke you to research this for yourself and develop a lifestyle of prayer.
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Virtual hugs, I look forward to your visit to my next blog post!
Paula Rose Parish
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