For believers and followers of Jesus Christ, the most significant act of remembering is when we come together to remember in bread and wine the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Hello, I’m Back!!!
Going forward, I will post some studies, sermons, and reflections. I hope you enjoy them and glean something from them to encourage you spiritually in some small way.
A Tribute to the Late Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth 11
Scanning the internet there are hundreds and thousands of wonderful tributes to the Queen. Her passing has shocked and upset us for sure and reminded us of our loved ones who we have lost. It is fitting and right to pay tribute to her here on the Hope. Faith. Love Community. However, I really do not think I can pay a fitting tribute to her better that the Bible Society. I have placed a link here for those who wish to read and gain solace from it.
May our beloved Queen rest in the arms of Jesus Christ. We pray for the royal family that God will hold them close in their time of bereavement.
So, -what will you do now?-Read this.
Everyone needs the Lord Jesus Christ, but unfortunately, not everyone knows it.
Unwrapping Psalm 23 for Your Wellness.
So many people want their faith and church to grow. The problem is to figure out where to begin. This post may help you.
Three steps/The Importance of Self-Love/How to Let Go.
Article and video to encourage toy to , think about what makes you happy and ensure you engage with those things regularly. Don’t get so busy that that provides no time to do the things you enjoy.
The Power of an Empty Tomb: God of surprises.
The love that was in Jesus, even unto death, is met by the endless love of God for his creation and, in the dynamic, new, and beautiful things happen. Death is not the end.
More Hope in Difficult Times- A new eBook coming out soon! Free Excerpt
More Hope in Difficult Times- New eBook coming out soon!
Wellness and Spiritually
If you are a Christian, serving God will be important to you. So, if you are well, serving God is more doable. You will have more energy to help and love others in the name of Christ. Regular exercise will help to maintain your wellness.
Does Your Church Make You Happy, Spiritually Fed- or Fed Up?
Do you attend church for what you personally get out of it, or do you go to pour yourself into the lives of others?
Without experiencing change, we can not Grow in Faith.
Each and every one of us needs the Holy Spirit who manifests in our lives daily.
BIBLE STUDY / The Crucifixion and Resurrection is NOT Metaphor- it actually happened!
Somebody told me recently that Jesus wasn’t real so the crucifixion or the resurrection could not have happened. Well, let’s see what scripture says shall we?
If you are over 50, you need to read this!
If you are over 50, you need to read this! – HOW to look after your body to reduce stress and anxiety.
NEW YEAR Tips to turn a setback or failure into a Comeback.
A setback doesn’t have to be the end of your dreams. Look at it this way, a setback might be exactly what you need to get where you want to be. A setback may be a blessing in disguise!!
4 WAYS SELF-LOVE CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE – For good mental health
A capacity for self-love makes it more likely that you will be able to express genuine love and compassion for others.
6 Tips for staying sane at Christmas
As the weeks leading up to Christmas become busier and busier, I thought I’d share some Tips for how to stay sane during the Christmas & New year Season!
Is God calling you? 10 tips to find if you’re called by God
When we answer God’s call upon our life, we need to count the cost. So if you are reading this and you believe you have a God’s call upon your life, and you are standing at the precipice of decision-making to answer that call or go into another direction, I hope that this article will be helpful to you.
Bible verses about time management: how to schedule your time
To live as God would have us live, we must make the best possible use of our allotted time. So should we manage our time?
How does Mindfulness and self-compassion blend together ?
Mindfulness and self-compassion fit together like two peas in a pod to cope with life stresses and make decisions.
How Mindfulness Works & the aims.
Mindfulness can be summed up in just One word- Intentionally. Mindfulness is defined as a kind of mental training, based upon the practice of deliberately bringing your attention to bear on your physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts.
#109- The 2-minute Decision: 3 Tips on how to make fast decisions.
I remember when a small child asking my mother- “mummy, how do I make decisions?” My mother thought for a while, then replied, “I don’t know – you just make them.” This worried me because I desperately wanted to know ‘how’. It took me into adulthood when I slowly began to understand the process of decision making.
How to Stop Self-sabotaging and learn how to truly Love Yourself.
Tips to help you to start loving and appreciating yourself.
#98 Anger Management: 5 Tips to tell if your anger is hurting others.
have you ever lost your temper? Do you ever do things you wish you hadn’t done, or say things you wish you had never said?
How to Pray: Five Simple Steps to Centering Prayer.
This method of prayer is traditionally called Centering Prayer, which denotes focus, to be present with, and to find balance.
Eight easy steps to turn a setback or failure into a Comeback.
A setback doesn’t have to be the end of your dreams. Look at it this way, a setback might be exactly what you need to get where you want to be. A setback may be a blessing in disguise!!
Have you been let down? How to overcome disappointment.
how can one be rid of the feeling of disappointment and move on?
Dangerous Clichés: Why Actions Speak Louder than Words
someone can say to you, “I love you”, then do something to deliberately hurt you- have they shown they love you?
How to Avoid Burnout- The importance of observing the Sabbath
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.
Over 60s blogger dilemmas: an act faith and the hurting.
I want to speak to the hurting today. You think that life is too overwhelming, too complicated, and too far out of your reach. Well, you’re right.-It is.
When lies destroy your life. My ongoing human saga of unfilled Promises
I am not a millionaire or a leader in business matters because I am too soft. I am a nurturer, a healer; however, does that mean that I should not develop enough thick skin to avoid been taken advantage of?