Not all power games involve struggles between laity and ordained ministers. Such conflicts occur at various levels, for instance, some church leaders are pawns in the hands of their church boards. Sometimes ministers become the victims of a small but influential faction within the Church.
#18 Psalm 23 Unwrapped – Taster 3
We all have needs but are they are fulfilled differently for each individual. Some people prefer one-on-one relationships. They feel stressed within groups but comfortable one-on-one.
#17 TASTER 2 – Psalm 23 Unwrapped
Through the atoning work of Jesus Christ, Gods generous hospitality is poured out upon us. Led by the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ who laid down his life for his sheep, leads his people through the kingdoms gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.
#16 TASTER From My Book- Psalm 23 Unwrapped- on Amazon
my new book Psalm 23 Unwrapped which is available from Amazon. You may want to order this for a gift for Christmas time. And it will be a wonderful Gift to lift someone spirits and to help them feel great about themselves and God .
#2 Domestic Violence -Shattered Dreams
Safe, he felt safe, very safe. Rocky relationships of the past left me in fear. Fear of the future, fear of making the wrong choices, fear of another abusive relationship