There’s a lot of people who poke fun at the followers of Christ. Its take guts to be a Christian. It takes guts to hang in there when things look bleak. Its faith Friday in this video we chat about how God has your back!! On the outside, the Church may not seem like much. It may seem weak. But the Church is a visible witness to the unseen reality of God’s kingdom. The Christian Life is not for the faint hearted- it’s about commitment even when life is tough. God’s invisible kingdom is more substantial and lasting than the other concrete institutions in my community.
How to DECORATE a Happy Planner-for good mental health
If you’d like to spend a few minutes each week finding health, wellbeing and happiness- stick around – we are in this life journey together.
YOU can NOT Please EVERYONE- You are Enough!
In this article, I want to deal with why we may seek the approval of others and a few steps on how to free ourselves from the addiction of seeking approval.